Thursday, June 12, 2014



Ruby Sound and Music Project

I've decided to found the Ruby Sound and Music Project, or RSMP for short.  It's aim, in short, is to provide audio tools for Ruby developers.

Here are some notes I jotted down this morning:

Mission Statement:

  To create and provide tools for Ruby developers to work with music, audio, and sound in .general on any platform for any application.

  For example: to open and play an mp3 file using only Ruby in a Linux, Windows, or iOS environment.
Or perhaps to create audio conversion wrappers.  Want to convert that ogg to wav?  Nor problem.

To provide a central hub for discussion and development of the project.

Also.. mobile development?  Raspberry Pi tools?  Rails-specific audio helpers?  Want to write music?  Want your computer to write music for you?  Love Ruby? Look no further!


Anyhow, these are some rough-and-tumble ideas to get the project going, and with my Juicy gem, this can get off the ground in no time!